A 30 Second Sermon, Advice For Life!

There is a reason Denzel Washington is a National Treasure! His acting is what cemented him a constant fixture in my life. Honestly the term “actor” is not even an accurate enough label to place on his life. In the smallest, tiniest molocule of his life and our luxurious opportunity to be in the stands watching it playout the term “actor” is just not good enough. It doesn’ t hold water. 

Denzel Washington is an ICON! As a Black man he is an EXAMPLE! 

The Honorable Denzel Washington was presented with a question. A question that presented a problem, I think they expected the typical celebrity, Black celebrity that is politically correct answer.  In less than 30 seconds broke down the problem of the WORLD. He delivered precise instructions, produced the solution, which is a Resolution to solve the majority of everyone’s perceived problems. 

Denzel just said “The Enemy, is The Inner Me!” I am literally #Speechless right now. I have gone on a tangent over the Horse-backed Border Patrol running down the Haitians situation on my Twitter feed. Since I have 0 Followers obviously you didn’t know this! I was so distraught when I saw that for the 1st time, I completely refused to think, “Wait a minute. What am I actually looking at?” Denzel my finger was pointing and I was not concerned about its direction! Not once did I put myself on that horse and think about what actions he could have actually been making which had nothing to do with trying to whip a man or trample a child with the horse. I was the as you called it “Opinion-Aire” just throwing it all over the place! The first part of this interview that 15 seconds or so is the perfect response to those triggering pictures that were posted, those snapshots into a much more picturesque painting.  

I was raised in an Apostolic Pentecostal Holy-Roller type church for the first 21 years of my life. The term he used at the end “We’re in the World, But NOT of it” is my mother’s reasoning for not doing so many things deemed as ordinary and regular. It is a statement I have heard my whole life and just rang so true to me! Once I saw church blurring the lines of that separation between CHRURCH & The WORLD I removed myself from Church as in a physical place to visit and worship. Being on God’s side as he said more importantly “We are on God’s side and that is how WE Fight Our Battles” which infers he is leading his family as the head assuring everyone knows where they stand! I am writing this on a Wednesday which is traditionally Bible Study night, I started it on a Tuesday night though, but I feel like GOD wanted me to post it TONIGHT! Denzel has taken me back to church with this 30 Second Sermon!  

Growing up I could not tell you who was running for any office, we knew who the President was and unless Jessie Jackson was running, we weren’t all that concerned about anyone else, because God was who our trust was in especially as long as the people running the World were WHITE!  

All I can say is Hallelujah and Thank You Jesus for giving “US” the Black race such a leader like Denzel Washington! No! He is not running for office, or in the public eye protesting or shouting etc… saying look at me! 

 I call him a leader because all I have to do is look at his LIFE!  

I honestly don’t know anything more about Denzel than what can be easily found on Wikipedia or checking his IMDB etc… But what I determine important most of all are the things I won’t find there. As well as the way one of his sons has marvelously made the transition into acting without mentioning who his father is, or even screaming his father’s famous name. Not because of shame or some negative reasoning but out of the independence and pride, he obviously has in himself, which a man can only learn from a MAN! If I may say so myself, John David Washington is an EXCELLENT actor in his own rights which lets me know he would never do anything that would make is father ask “Where is the effort?” “Where is the hard work?” In my opinion he is leaving it all out there on the stage/screen. John David in my opinion has done a great job of making race irrelevant in his characters. That is a skillset only someone with great tutelage and training can learn, not to mention a person who personally doesn’t carry his race as a weight on his back, but rather something he is just proud of in his regular everyday life when the cameras are off.  His characters are exactly he they were written to be, he just beings them to LIFE! He is doing a great job of bringing “MAD” RESPECT not just for himself, but also for the name he carries given to him by his parents.  

I will go out on a mountain ledge though and say, what I do know is Denzel’s wife Pauletta is obviously a great Woman, Wife, and Mother! I know without Pauletta there would be none of them! I only mention John David because he is an actor, but I am sure the other Washington children are great and stars in their own lives’ professions and careers. Honestly, I do not know what any of Denzel’s other children’s careers etc… are but I have NO DOUBT they are winning in life, independently of their last name! That is what I am going with, anyways! I know without Pauletta, Denzel would probably be a caution of what Hollywood could do to a Black man, instead of the “ICON” he has become! As a married man I know having a strong wife by your side is the BEST ASSET, TOOL, CHEERLEADER, & CAPTAIN we can ever have in our lives! They pick up all the slack we willingly or unknowingly leave behind, they are the SHIELD & SWORD in our lives! A GREAT woman nurtures our children as well as us as husbands! By the smile on Denzel’s face, I have no question Pauletta is the ROCK, God anchored him too! 

To wrap this up my mother always tells me to read the books of Acts and Exodus something about the beginning and the end. I will eventually get to those. I was taken to church by The Honorable Reverend Denzel Washington with his Beautiful 1st Lady Pauletta by his side right there in the pulpit of life. He delivered a sermon which was short in minutes, but will be true for eternity. 


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