Fuh-Gazie Activism

The Met Gala, which I personally think that if you need to, push a message of “A change is a COMING!” to the Rich and Privileged sector of America, The Met Gala is a great place to do it! The only caveat is you can’t be part of the crowd you intend on forcing the changes upon!  

What Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did by attending the Met Gala looking simply stunning in a beautiful dress, painted with the slogan on the back of “Tax The Rich” was basically a stab in the back of all those people she says she is working for facing evictions, deportations and other travesties brought on by the shutdown of America from the reactions to the pandemic!  

That $35,000 a ticket or even if she got a discount for being a politician or a season ticket holder of the Met, or sponsored by a rich benefactor whatever the case was. Her attendance was bad taste and looked even worse. Pretty much hypocritical. It reminded me of Suge Knight’s speech at the Source Awards in 1995, but instead, Suge Knight, popped up in Snoops video dancing and shit! (I had to include this because it is still a #CLASSIC moment in Hip-Hop history)

To add insult to injury the statement of “Tax The Rich” being painted on the back was pretty much a slap in the face to those who think she is fighting for them! Because she is basically loving the privilege to party and hang out with the rich, privileged cool kids, which broadcasts the message LOUD & CLEAR Alexandria means us no harm and actually wants to be just like us!

The weak and spineless media will not call her out as they did when they attacked the thought-less and completely disconnected from the reality of “how much the price of milk is?” former first lady Melania Trump when she wore her “I Really Don’t Care Do You?” jacket to the border and was eviscerated by the media. Rightfully so, because it was insensitive and a horrible choice of fashion, though based on the truth because honestly, I really don’t think she cared! I mean let’s be honest!

Yeah, she didn’t!

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez conceptually it was a cold dress and a great message. You would have been authentic though if you would have held a press conference from across the street of the Met Gala wearing it with some other Brave members of Congress (if any exist)! You want to talk about taxing the rich while attending an event that has a $35,000 a ticket price is like taking a swing at a basketball with a pool noodle, you never actually meant to make any attempt at taxing the rich, you just want to make it seem like you do! 

You don’t really believe in taxing anyone especially the rich, because you are no longer part of the working-class community you were voted to represent, you are now part of the community you party with! Wich in all honesty means you would be taxing yourself, and the rich, and we all know that is not a very friendly thing to do! You want to be part of the rich crowd truthfully most of the Democrats especially the ancient crew Pelosi, Waters, Biden, The “Clintons” are all very, very RICH. Look no further than her Wikipedia page, you do not need to read in-between the lines, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a Superstar.  

Everything about her bringing up says she is smart, a hard worker, and determined. The opportunities she had in life were earned more so than given, and her having migrant parents which taught her the language of their culture allowed her to excel when others didn’t know there was an opportunity to fill that void. Her fight with the legal system to make sure her family got what was theirs, and the hard work she put in to help her family maintain what they had earned, tells me that she has viewed herself in that room at the Met Gala plenty of times, her life path supports that! 

Plenty of minorities are especially loud when they get to a place of power and past about the sweeping changes they have planned. Commonly known as “Fronting” for a better term to describe their actions, because once they get in that space, they quickly forget about their constituents. They come across as Brave and fearless, you know.  I’m fighting for the minority community I am their Superhero, Cape, Shield, and they put on all the armor! They are like 6 superheroes in 1! All the DC & Marvel Heroes in one person.  But in reality, they really want to be the villain!

They look like the villain. They want to be part of the villain team. They want to be all up in the Super Villain Super Secret Hideout. You know, putting their feet up on the table and just eating all the villain snacks. Do you know what I’m saying? They don’t really want to separate themselves from the villain at all. They love the evil tricks and the evil things that happened because honestly, the villain has all the fun and we know this. The Joker has way more fun than Batman, facts! Point blank. Even the Penguin has more fun than Batman. Honestly, the reality is imitating fiction because now the cool hero is the Anti Hero, which is basically the role these new Democrats want to perfect!

Honestly, Alexandria wants to be the perfect Anti-Hero. Uh, she can’t resist being part of that crowd. She’s young! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is Intelligent & Ambitious! To top it off Alexandria is Beautiful. How could she “NOT” want to hang with the cool kids? That’s why she loves designer clothes, I mean WHO DOESN’T? She loves the expensive stuff, She WORKS HARD SHE DESERVES IT! More importantly, SHE HAS EARNED IT! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the modern-day real-life version of Harley Quinn The Political version!

She loves the power, of sitting in front of Americans gives her. It is a powerful position to be seated especially for the little brown girls looking up to her. The Honorable Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor is older and the Supreme Court doesn’t get quite the same attention Alexandria commands in meetings and hearings which are broadcast on C-SPAN and can be found easily on Youtube 24/7! Hispanic/Latina girls are looking up to her thinking hey, I can be her one day. That is empowering and she is a great role model for them to have! That is beautiful, but what she needs to do is go ahead and become the Republican that she really is, because she is not a Democrat, by any means based in Reality, even though she has the Fictional Fairytale type statements and quotes the current Democrats memorize like nursery rhymes ready to recall on site. 

On the Republican side they’re called “R.I.N.O.s” Republican In Name Only, I think Alexandria is a “D.I.N.O.” Democrat In Name Only she isn’t the only one there are many. No, I don’t think she is fiscally conservative at all, but I also do not think she cares all that much about the little guy as she claims to, because her life story is built-in examples of hard work and a lot of boot string success. I think in order to actually think it is okay to share the wealth, at some point in your life you personally would have had to have been privileged enough to have been wealthy, so you actually saw the other side of the tracks and understood the feeling of empathy for those less fortunate. I personally think her empathy would end if she was ever able to abolish I.C.E. then we would see her searching for a new target, but I don’t think anything else would actually matter. That would be a personal achievement, based on the empathy she felt for the people who helped shape her political engagement.

If you worked your way out of a state of poverty and/or you were raised with examples of people who did that same exact thing, that is honestly what is in your bones and blood. Nothing can change that or take that from you! That mindset will never really accept the feeling that giving handouts is the right response to resolving inequalities in life, because they had to work it out for themselves, and really know what it takes! You will understand feeding the homeless and helpless, for the holidays, but you will question their real desire to live life and pursue happiness and stability for themselves. The moral dilemma comes when they have to face the truth to themselves and they know the message of the invisible hand is stronger than the hard lesson of the truth, most choose the Invisible Hand instead. We all know people like being pandered too, and taken care of!

I think just like many of the Black “D.I.N.O.’s” the real thought in the back of their minds is “just keep voting for me and I will tell you anything!’ Because they actually believe in the fact and the truth that their own Hard Work, Dedication, Commitment, Sacrifice, and Determination are the real reasons they are successful, not some imaginary lucky situation or the benefactor who magically paved the way for them. It is just easier to convince people someone owes them something, and if they vote for you, then you can make that person PAY! This is exactly the Democratic message and has been for the last 20 years or so! Simply look at the “Lifers” in Washington McConnell, Waters, Pelosi, Biden, Rogers, Schumer, the list of House & Senate Representatives who have been elected longer than I have been alive is PATHETIC! It shows the Invisible Hand message is actually taught on both sides of the aisle, tweaked a little differently depending on the era! It also shows the whole “Tax The Rich” garbage is more rhetoric than it will be reality.

Even Obama thought he was going to get in the White House and tell Black people to pull it together and get in line with being successful and no one owed them anything etc… and the party shut him up, really quick! He then threw some barbecues and invited the Black elite (entertainers and athletes) to the White House and that pretty much gave him the credit he needed to win the Black Race over, without NEVER having to do or say anything at all. Was that Obama’s fault? Nope! It was our fault, and is the fault of all marginalized communities who are sitting back awaiting the magic hand of progress to pat them on the hand and give them their freedoms! Look no further than heroes, just don’t listen to the rhetoric, and look at how they achieved their roles, accomplishments, and titles! None of it was given all earned, so if they can do it, so can YOU! 

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